
益生菌学习站 2024-05-05 文章编号:-10028


With increasing health awareness and growing concerns over digestive problems, probiotics or beneficial bacteria are gaining immense popularity. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help improve gut health. One of the commonly known and popular probiotics is “yogurt,” which contains lactic acid bacteria, but the probiotics market has come a long way since then. Nowadays, probiotics are available in several forms and formulations, such as capsules, tablets, and powders, and are incorporated into various food and beverages.

Why there is an increase in demand for probiotics?

The importance of gut health cannot be emphasized enough, and the market for probiotics has been growing rapidly. There is growing evidence and research that link gut health to overall health and wellbeing. Factors such as antibiotics, poor diet, and lifestyle choices can negatively impact gut health. Therefore, probiotics can help restore the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut, leading to a healthier digestive system, boosting the immune system, and potentially reducing the risk of certain diseases.

Market size and trends

According to a report by Grand View Research, the global probiotics market size is expected to reach USD 77.09 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 7.3% during the forecast period. The demand for probiotics is expected to be driven by the increased health awareness, the rise in digestive health problems, and the growing demand for functional foods. In terms of application, the food and beverages segment is expected to dominate the market share, as more consumers are looking for ways to incorporate probiotics into their diet. Moreover, the popularity of probiotic-infused beauty and personal care products is also on the rise.

Factors driving the growth of the probiotics market

The growing awareness of the importance of gut health, coupled with the rise of chronic diseases, has created an opportunity for the probiotics market. The following are some of the significant factors that have been driving the growth of the probiotics market:

Increasing health consciousness: With growing health awareness, consumers are more inclined towards adopting a healthy lifestyle and making conscious decisions when it comes to their diet. Therefore, there has been a growing demand for functional foods that offer health benefits, and probiotics are one such ingredient that offers several benefits.


Preventive healthcare: With the rising incidence of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, people are focusing more on preventive healthcare measures. As probiotics are known to improve gut health, they are perceived as a preventive healthcare measure that can potentially reduce the risk of developing such diseases.

Increased demand for plant-based probiotics: With the rise of the vegan and vegetarian lifestyle, there has been a growing demand for plant-based probiotics. Several plant-based sources of probiotics are available, such as kimchi, tempeh, and sauerkraut, making it easier for vegans and vegetarians to consume probiotics.

Challenges faced by the probiotics market

The probiotics market is not without its challenges. Some of the significant challenges faced by the probiotics market include:

Lack of regulation: There is no specific regulation governing the quality and safety of probiotics. Therefore, it becomes challenging for consumers to identify high-quality and effective probiotic products.

Need for refrigeration: Several probiotic strains require refrigeration to maintain potency, which can be a logistical challenge for manufacturers and distributors.

High costs: Producing and formulating probiotics can be expensive due to the specialized equipment and facilities required. Moreover, the cost of clinical studies needed to demonstrate the efficacy of probiotics can also be high.


The probiotics market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years, driven by factors such as increased health awareness, rising demand for functional foods, and the growing importance of gut health. However, lack of regulation, the need for refrigeration, and high costs are some of the significant challenges faced by the probiotics market. Nevertheless, it is an exciting time for the probiotics market, as more research and innovation are expected in the future, leading to the development of more effective and affordable probiotic products.